The following Catholic Organisations are active in our parish. Each of the Organisations operates according to their respective Constitutions, Guidelines and decisions, subject to the appropriate competent Church authorities.

A youth ministry group who meet regularly to reflect and organize events around young people. Clogher don Óige, St. Macartan’s College, Monaghan. Tel: 047 83359 – E-mail:

Society of St Vincent de Paul
This Catholic charity is a long-standing active part of our parish community.
Its local Helpline is 087-165 84 76
Membership of the Society is open to anyone who can adopt its ethos. Rooted in the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching, members attempt to live the core values (Love of God and Love of our neighbour) through an action oriented programme, working directly with people in need.
The Society has extensive experience of working with a diverse range of people who experience poverty and exclusion. It is strongly committed to working for social justice and advocates the creation of a more just and caring society at both local and national level.
The Conference of the Society in Muckno parish holds a monthly collection on the 2nd Sunday of each month (except January) as well as a special Christmas Collection, all of which gives the wider Christian community an opportunity to respond to Christ’s call to “love one another”. The Society also engages with other activities within the life of the parish community.
For further details on the Society visit:

The Knights of St. Columbanus
The Knights of Saint Columbanus is an Order of Catholic laymen dedicated to the service of Christ, in daily life, in the workplace, and in society. The Order is open to any Catholic layman (or religious) who is accepted for membership of their local Council.
All practising Catholic men are eligible to join their local Council. The only consideration is that the applicant must be a “practising Catholic as understood by the Church” i.e. the potential member must be one who tries to observe all the commandments of God and His Church. Men who would wish to bring to the service of Christ, their talents and skills towards the promotion of Christian values and principles in society, for the greater Honour and Glory of God.
The Order was founded in Belfast by Canon J O’Neill in 1915 with a view to bringing all Catholic men together in spiritual harmony. The Castleblayney Council was established in 1929 and meets monthly. The term Order does not imply a pre-eminence over other Catholic laymen, merely hope that by their membership of the Order they become better Christians than they might otherwise have been.
Contact:The Knights of St. Columbanus
Ely Place,
Dublin 2.
Telephone: 01 6761835