Dear Parishioners & Friends, I take this opportunity to say Hello and to Hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe and well. I “Thank You” for all your messages of support, encouragement and for your prayers. Can I assure you that both Fr Stephen and myself are with you in spirit and in Prayer “Together –Apart— In Prayer and Hope” A Word about our Parish Finances Like all homes and businesses our Parish Finances have taken a huge financial hit. Our weekly collections have fallen by almost 70%. Our fundraising activities have all been postponed and our Parish Draw contributions are also greatly reduced. Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals and all other church liturgies no longer contribute to our income. Expenditure however continues and our Parish Debt remains to be paid.Our parish is unique. Due to our recent church renovations as all our parish accounts have little or no balance to fall back on. At the moment there is no time scale as to when the Churches will reopen but it is not envisaged this will happen any time soon. We are approaching a critical stage when important decisions and choices will have to be made. Things are very serious and a great source of stress and anxiety for me and for the parish.I am heartened however by the generosity of many parishioners who continue to support our parish financially by leaving their parish envelopes in the letterbox of the Parish Office. We encourage you all to do this. All support and help is greatly appreciated. Perhaps the time has come to introduce a new model of how to support your parish. One options may be to consider setting up a Direct Debit/ Standing Order. This can be done on a weekly or monthly basis. If you feel this may be an option for you please let Kathleen know via Email and she will advise ( Standing Order forms are available in St. Mary’s Church and from the Parish Website). Alternatively, a once off or annual donation made payable to Muckno Parish would be most welcome.I also appeal to former parishioners and others who perhaps tune in on our webcam from other Parishes, Counties and Countries and who may wish to make a contribution to please contact the Parish Office by email: and will get back to you. All support is greatly appreciated.In the meantime I encourage you all to Stay Safe and look out for one another. The next few weeks and months will continue to be difficult for all but Together—As Church and Family—we will come through. God Bless All Fr. Adrian Click here for Standing Order Form |
Message from Fr. Adrian