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The Parish Office and Parish Secretary provide administrative back up to the work of the Church in this community. For booking Mass Intentions, Baptismal & Confirmation Certificates, to make appointments to meet with one of the priests or to make arrangements for the celebration of the Sacraments please make contact with the office during office hours.

                Parish Staff              

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Michael Murphy                        
Parish Sacristan
Kathleen Irwin
Parish Secretary

                                                                                                                                                         The Parish Office contact details and hours are:

Parish Centre,

St Mary’s Church,


Co Monaghan.

A75 TY89

Tel. +353 (0)42-9740027

Sick/Emergency Calls after office hours : 083 097 26 83


Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9.30am – 2pm

The Parish Office is closed on Church Holy Days of Obligaion

and on Bank / Public Holidays.