St. Mary’s Church, Castleblayney
Christmas Eve: 6pm, 9pm & 12 midnight
Christmas Morning: 8.30am; 10am 11.30am
St Patrick’s Church, Oram
Christmas Eve: 7.30pm
Christmas Morning: 10am
Please Note Due to Covid ALL Masses are subject to huge number restrictions. We have greatly increased our celebration of Masses but even with this it will be impossible to accommodate everyone.
As we mentioned last weekend we are strongly inviting you to consider celebrating Christmas Mass this year as a family in your own homes. All Masses from St. Mary’s Church will be broadcast on our Webcam Service. Masses will also be available on RTE & Northern Sound. To help create a link between the church and your home we invite you to do the following:
· To create a physical link, we are issuing a Parish Christmas Candle which we ask you to collect in the Parish Office and to leave your family name which will be placed on the Christmas Altar.
· This Candle will be used in your home in communion with all and the intentions of your family will be offered on the altar.
· If possible, attend a Mass in the week before or after Christmas as a family and offer this as your Christmas Family Mass.
· Visit the Church, The Crib and your Graves at a time suitable to your family outside of public Mass times.
· Place your families prayer intention in the basket beside St. Josephs statue. These will be placed in our Crib and prayed for in both St. Mary’s & St. Patrick’s churches during the Christmas Masses.
Your Co-operation Understanding and Support are Requested for the Safety of Everyone this Christmas.
“ Because you can’t come to my house this year — I am coming to yours”

Christmas Penitential Service with Spiritual Forgiveness: Friday 18th December at 7.30pm via webcam from St. Mary’s Church..