Our Parish Priest Fr Adi has recently been invited by Bishop Larry to join the Diocesan Chapter as a Canon. The law of the Church defines a Chapter of Canons as ‘a college of priests, whose role is to celebrate the more solemn liturgical functions in a Cathedral’. (Code of Canon Law, No 503). The Chapter has various advisory functions in the management of the diocese. It takes on a special role when there is a vacancy in the episcopal see. There are currently 12 canons in our diocese. The present Chapter of Canons in Clogher can trace its roots back to 1789 when it was re-established by Bishop Hugh O’Reilly. In the case of Muckno, Fr Adi continues a tradition whereby all PPs here since the 1830s have been Canons, he being the sixteenth such holder. Fr Adi would be the first to see this appointment not as a personal honour or promotion, or in terms of title, but rather as a further recognition of the place and role of all the people of Muckno , Clontibret and Aughnamullan East parishes in the life of the Church of Clogher. In that spirit, we welcome the appointment and assure both Canon Adi and all those (lay and clerical) with leadership roles at parish and diocesan levels of our prayers and good wishes.