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Blessing of the Graves Muckno & Clontibret Parishes

Muckno Parish

St Patrick’s Cemetery:  Sunday 4th August at  10am                                               St Mary’s Cemetery Saturday 10th Aug  at 6pm  & Sunday 11th August  at 11.30


  St Michael’s Cemetery, Annyalla: Monday 12th August at 7.30pm  St Mary’s Cemetery, Clontibret: Wednesday 14th August  at 7.30pm All Saint’s Cemetery, Doohamlet: Friday 16th August at 7.30pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

UpKeep of Our Graveyards: . Your voluntary assistance would be much appreciated as we continue to advertise and search for people who are available on Government Schemes. This is especially true for the graveyards in Muckno & Doohamlet. Please assist by mowing around your own family plots. Remember “Many Hands Make Light Work”