This weekend, as we come to the conclusion of Mission Month, our two parishes embark on a journey of renewal. You are central to that journey as a member of our Church – sisters and brothers in our baptism and in our destiny as children of God, united in Christ and under the guidance of the Holy Spirt.
We are asking you, inviting you, to become a fuller participant in the life of our parish community through volunteering. You can volunteer to be a Minister of the Word, the Minister of the Eucharist, a member of our Choirs either as a singer or musician, an usher to welcome people at our churches, a member of an Altar Society. Really, the list is endless and we need you.
Please complete the form being given out at the end of Masses this weekend or download it from the QR code in the newsletter or go to Muckno Parish website were both forms will be available to fill out. Pray about it, discuss it with family and friends and if God is calling you please complete it and return it next weekend or to the Parish Office as a either a hard copy or via email.
This is but one example of what a Synodal Church is and should look like: a Church where all people – from the Pope to each of us – walk together in discerning God’s will and taking responsibility, while keeping the Divine Mission given to us by Christ to proclaim the Gospel each day by our lives. The Church is not just about what the clergy want or about ‘serving Father’. The Church is bigger than any one of us. It is the Body of Christ; Christ is the head ,we are its parts – each with our own gifts and talents and each of us invited to participate in its mission. This is an opportunity to participate in parish life in a practical way that will be of help to our communities and all the communities together.
Please take the form, discern your call and respond with a generous heart.
Training and formation will be provided over the coming months for all ministries. There is nothing to be afraid of – the invitation is for all to give of your gifts as best you can.
To fill out the form for Muckno Parish Click here
To fill out the form for Clontibret Parish Click here