March €1000: Gerry Boyd €500: Mai Hughes, Market Sq €200: Patricia McMahon, Druncrew €200: Larry Donaghue, Drumcrew €100: Fr Phil Connolly, Doohamlet €100 Mary McArdle,…
March €1000: Gerry Boyd, Drumgallon €500: Mai Hughes, Market Sq €200: Patricia McMahon, Druncrew €200: Larry Donaghue, Drumcrew €100: Fr Phil Connolly, Doohamlet €100: Mary…
On Wednesday April 15th, Fr. Seamus Whelan celebrates the Diamond Jubilee of his Ordination to the Priesthood. We congratulate Fr. Seamus and we assure him…
Holy Week Liturgies in our Parish Unfortunately, once again ALL our Holy Week Liturgies will be on webcam only with No communal gathering. However we…