Ash Wednesday: Mass & Ashes will be distributed in St Mary’s Church Castleblayney at 10am & 7.30pm St Mary’s Church, Clontibret at 7.30pm …
Muckno Parish Draw Winners January2025 €1000:MaryAlice Casserly, Laurel Hill Place Ticket Seller: Olive Bolger €500: The McManus Girls, 1 Henry St Ticket Seller: Anna Keenan €200: Gerry…
Our Communal Celebration of God’s forgiveness and love with individual absolution will take place today Sunday 22nd December in St. Mary‘s Church, Castleblayney at 6pm…
Our Communal Celebration of God’s forgiveness and love with individual absolution will take place this Sunday 22nd December in St. Mary‘s Church, Castleblayney at 6pm.We…
Christmas Eve: Tuesday 24th December 6pm Vigil St Mary’s Church, Castleblayney 7pm Vigil St Mary’s Clontibret 8pm Vigil St Patrick’s Church, Oram 9pm Vigil…
November Winner €1000: Martin McManus, Doohamlet Ticket Seller: Margaret McManus €500: Scoil na gCailini, Castleblayney Ticket Seller: Eileen Kerr €200: Jane Dignam, West St. Cblayney.…
Feast Day: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary This year 8th December falls on a Sunday the Feast Day of The Immaculate Conception…
Feast of All Saints: Friday is the Nov 1st and an Holyday of Obligation. Mass times are as follows in our parishes St. Mary’s Church,…
YOUR PARISH COMMUNITY INVITES YOU TO PARTICPATE IN MISSION This weekend, as we come to the conclusion of Mission Month, our two parishes embark on…
The Relics of Saint Bernadette has arrived in St Mary’s Church, Castleblayney Muckno Parish. Hundreds of locals and visitors have arrive to visit and spend…