The Relics of St Bernadette of Lourdes will visit St Marys Church in Castleblayney on Wednesday October 9th 2024. Large crowds are expected and we…
May Winners €1,000: Gerry Finnegan, Cabra, Castleblayney Ticket Seller: Olive Bolger €500: Betty Duffy, Tonnyglasson, Doohamlet Ticket Seller: Suzanne Campbell €200: Ann Ryan, Aisling Grove,…
Muckno Parish St Patrick’s Cemetery: Sunday 4th August at 10am St Mary’s Cemetery Saturday 10th Aug at 6pm & Sunday 11th August at 11.30 ClontibretParish …
Volunteers Needed: Have you time to spare? Can you assist with a little gardening ? We are looking for volunteers to prepare the soil in…
March Winners €1,000: John & Mary McShane, Monagor. Ticket Seller: Seamus Kerr €500: Terry & Roisin Carragher, Lisdonney. Ticket Seller: Roisin Carragher €200: Gerry Finnegan,…
Holy Thursday -28th March: Mass of the Last SupperSt Mary’s Church, C/Blayney at 7.30pm. Church remains open until 9.30pm for private prayerSt. Michael’s Church, Annyalla…