The Parish Of Muckno Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures

We in the Parish value and encourage the participation of children in parish liturgies and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development.
We recognise the dignity and rights of all children and are committed to their protection, support, growth and develipment.
In keeping with this we work to do all in our power to create a safe environment for our children and young people in order to secure their protection and enable their full participation in the life of the Church.
“Out of respect for our children and their participation in the ceremonies, the Parish of Muckno through the Safeguarding Children Committee does not premit photos/video or any form of recording during Sacramental Liturgies”
In our parish we will work to have the following in place:
- Signed parental consent for each young person.
- Appropriate supervision ratios of adult to young people. While maintaining the practice of ensuring that no young person is left alone with an adult. This applies to both parish based activities and away trips, e.g. retreats and pilgrimages etc.
- A duty roster of Leaders to ensure adequate supervision of young people at all times.
- A code of conduct for all adult leaders and young people.
- Procedures for recruiting and overseeing adult leaders working with young people.
- Adequate record keeping processes including: Participant Forms: Incident/Accident Reports Forms: Volunteer Application Forms: Declaration Forms for Adults: Medical Information and Treatment Permission as appropriate for all young people: Programme/ Attendance Records: Training records.
- Contact information for parents/ guardians.
- A clearly communicated Accident/ Emergency Plan for away trips a pre-check on accommodation and transports arrangements
- Procedures concerning photography ensuring parental consent is received prior to photographs being taken and protecting the identity of the child in the event of photographs being taken for programme purpose.
- Information session for all young people and their parents.
- Contact information for parents/guardians.
- A clearly communicated Accident/Emergency Plans for away trips a pre-check on accommodation and transport arrangement.
- Procedures concerning photography ensuring parental consent is received pior to photographs being taken and protecting the identity of the child in the event of photographs being taken for programme purposes.
- Information session for all young people and their parents.
- Young people must be treated with courtesy, respect and dignity.
- Young people are not permitted to consume alcohol or smoke while participating in activities in keeping with civil law in Ireland.
- An adequate ratio of leaders must be present at all time, i.e. 1: 8 with a minimum of two adults at all times. Leader should not work on their own. In emergencies where the desired ratio cannot be provided, the procedure adopted should be recorded and dated
- Care is to be taken to ensure that when working with mixed gender groups, staff and adult volunteer of appropriate gender work in pairs.
- Leaders must not consume alcohol or smoke while having responsibility for, or, in the presence of young people.
- Bad language, offensive or sexually suggestive comments are not permitted by young people or leaders.
- Inappropriate use of videos, camera and camera phones is prohibited.
- Leaders must not undertake any task of a personal nature with/ for young people except in case of medical necessity when the welfare of the child depends on it.
- Leaders must not engage in rough play with children or young people whereby their physical integrity is compromised.
- Leaders must always engage with young people in an open manner and care must be taken not to show favouritism.
- There must be clearly designated leaders within each group with whom young people can speak about their experience and raise concerns should they arise.
- The Parish has designated persons assigned, to whose immediate attention all concerns and/or complaints can be brought.
- The designated persons will respond promptly to all concerns and liaise with the appropriate civil and Church authorities.
Muckno Parish
Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults Committee
Chairperson: Tracey Liddy O Connor
Secretary: Elizabeth McEneaney
Parish Representative: Irene Loughran
Meeting Convenor: Tracey Liddy O Connor
Committee Members: Fr Adrian Walshe Fr. Stephen Duffy
ID Verifier: Kathleen Irwin
Parish of Muckno Contact Personnel:
Diocese of Clogher designated Liaison Person:
Brendan Kelly, Tamlet, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan. 042 97 41383
Diocese of Clogher Child Protection Training Co-ordinator:
Mr. Pat Drury, Carrickmacross. Tel: 042 96 61 477
Local Garda Station: (which provides 24hr cover) 042 97 40668 / 042 97 47900
Parish Child Protection Representatives:
Tel: 087 95 37 635
Link to Clogher Diocese Safeguarding Policy