Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, the door which gives access to all the other Sacraments.
(Catechism of the Catholic Church, No 1213).
In the Catholic Church new members are initiated through the celebration of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. When one has received these three Sacraments they are full members of the Church.
Parish Baptism take place:
Changes due to Covid 19:
Baptisms are celebrated the 1st Sunday of every month in St. Mary’s Church, Castleblayney at 12.30pm
Congratulations on the birth of your child
To arrange for the celebration of Baptism please contact the Parish Office.
Parents should bring with them on the day of the Christening
Please note the following:
(1) a White Shawl for use during the Baptism
(2) a Baptism Candle. Baptism Candles are available for sale from the Parish Office.
When choosing Godparents, parents are encouraged to reflect on the role of the Godparent, which is to be actively involved in the faith development of the child.
At least one sponsor, therefore, must be Catholic. A baptized person who belongs to another Christian denomination may act as a witness to the baptism.
Sponsors must not be less than 16 years of age and be of sufficient maturity to understand their responsible role.
Baptism is a community event, a celebration of the addition of new members to the Christian Family- the People of God. It is important that members of the wider family circle are included in the celebration, insofar as possible.
If you wish to have your child baptized Muckno Parish and you are not living in the parish of Muckno, you are required to provide a letter of consent from the Parish Priest of the parish in which you are living. The letter must be left in the Parish Office 1 week prior to the Baptism.
Occasionally, Baptisms may be celebrated at the Sunday Masses or other Liturgies such as the Easter Vigil. This is to emphasise the importance of Baptism in the life of the Church.