“Christian marriage is a sacred union which enriches natural love.”
Want to celebrate your wedding in our parish?
Firstly, Congratulations!
Weddings in the parish of Muckno are celebrated in St Mary’s church and St. Patrick’s church, Oram. Sometimes, subject to availability, weddings may be celebrated in the Chapel of the Convent of Mercy.
What do you have to do?
Three months prior to your wedding the State needs to know that you are free to marry according to the Law of the Land and similarly the Church according to the Law of the Church. Certain important documents need to be completed to show that you are legally and canonically free to marry.
A couple planning to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage is required to:
- give at least 3 months notice of the intended wedding to a priest of the parish. This must be done by contacting the Parish Office and the completion of a Booking Form. Confirmation of the date will be issued by the Parish Secretary upon receipt of confirmation from the Registrar of Births, Marriages & Deaths that all the State requirements have been met.
- give at least 3 months notice to the Civil Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Any one getting married in the County Monaghan jurisdiction should contact the Civil Registrar of Births, Marriages & Deaths, Civil Registration Office, Monaghan Local Care Unit, Rooskey, Monaghan, 047 30444. It is strongly advised that you contact the Registrar to book an appointment. Bring with you to the registrar
o a birth certificate
o passport
o final divorce decree if you have been married before
o a death certificate of spouse if you were married before and your spouse died
o PPS number
o names and dates of birth of witnesses
o name and address of the priest officiating at the wedding
o venue of marriage
- complete a marriage preparation course. See www.accord.ie for course dates and details or contact Accord Monaghan at 047-83359 or e-mail: accord.monaghan@eircom.net. Courses take place in The Four Seasons Hotel, Monaghan, and are of 9 hours duration: Friday 8pm – 10.30p.m. & Saturday 10am. to 4.45p.m.
- complete Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form with his or her priest. For completion of this document you will need a new Baptism certificate containing details of Confirmation.
Both partners are required by law to
1. be at least 18 years of age
2. not be related by blood or marriage
3. not be of the same sex
4. have the mental maturity to understand and live out the marriage commitment
5. not be married to someone else
Please feel free to use our sample of Wedding Mass / Blessing samples below

Getting Married Abroad?
What do you have to do?
- give at least 5 months notice to the parish in which you are resident. The parish abroad in which intend to get married requires that you complete all documents showing that you are legally and canonically free to marry.
- contact the General Register of Ireland at 72/76 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. The General Register will advise you how to ensure that your marriage abroad is legally valid in Ireland. Phone number is 01 4082568. See www.groireland.ie for details.
Resources for planning your wedding are available at VERITAS, 16-18 Park Street beside the Parish Office. See www.gettingmarried.ie for similar details and resources for wedding liturgies.
Wedding Rite without Mass?
It is not presumed that the Wedding Rite will be celebrated with Eucharist. The form of the liturgy will be decided by consultation between the couple and the presiding priest. The following questions may help you in this process:
- Are you as couple familiar with the Mass? Are you and your guests familiar with the responses, know how to participate in the Mass fully?
- Is the Catholic partner marrying someone who is of a another denomination and faith? Is Holy Communion likely to emphasise difference rather than unity between the Catholic and their partner?
- Is the Catholic partner marrying someone who is not a person of faith?
In the above situations a wedding liturgy without a Mass may be a more sincere and meaningful expression.