‘The call of Christ to conversion continues to resound in the lives of the baptized. Conversion is a continuing obligation for the whole Church. She is holy but includes sinners in her midst’
(Compendium Catechism of the Catholic Church, No 299)

Confessions: Saturday morning, St. Mary’s Church, Castleblayney after 10am Mass
A Communal Service of Penance is celebrated at the end of Advent and Lent each year.

How to go to Confessions:
Penance is the celebration of God’s mercy and love by an individual penitent in the presence of a priest. The rite happens as follows:
• The penitent begins by stating how long it has been since previous confession,
‘Bless me Father, for I have sinned, it is ……. since my last confession. These are my sins………..’
• Acknowledgement of failing which may or may not be spoken by penitent.
•Act of Sorrow:
The penitent can say
‘O my God, I thank you for loving me, I am sorry for all my sins, for not loving others and for not loving you. Help me to live like Jesus and not sin again. Amen.’
•Prayer of Absolution:
The priest prays the prayer of absolution;
‘God, the Father of mercies, through the Death and Resurrection of his Son, has reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins. Through the ministry of the Church, may God grant you pardon and peace, and I absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.’
•Penance: The priest may give a penance
•Dismissal: The priest ends the celebration with
‘Your sins are forgiven, go in peace!’